PREAMBLE: The Apostolic Carmel Educational Society, Karnataka is a Christian, Religious and Linguistic Minority Body, run by the Catholic Religious Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel.
The Apostolic Carmel Educational Society was formed and registered in 1957 under the societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 to serve the educational apostolate of the Province of Karnataka. Although all the Institutions founded and administered by the Society are run primarily for the education of Catholic (Christian) youth, its main purpose is to promote education especially of girls and women without distinction of caste, creed or colour through its various educational, technical, social and cultural works in the state of Karnataka. The Society by running Educational Institutional aims at contributing to nation building by inculcating right values among the students and training them to develop concern, compassion and informed conscience.
The A.C. Educational society employs the teaching, non-teaching and other allied staff to carry out the educational apostolate with a spirit of dedication and total commitment.
All the employees of the A.C. Educational Society will follow these rules & regulations, so that all of us work together to realize the Vision of our Foundress Mother Veronica of the Passion.
The A.C. Educational society, Karnataka® is a religious and linguistic minority body. It follows all rules and regulations formed by the government of the state of Karnataka from time to time which do not infringe on the minority character of the management. Hence all the employees of the A.C. Educational Society, Karnataka shall always take cognizance of the special nature and position of the Management.
The A.C. Educational Society, reserves the right to add, modify or amend the rules and regulations now framed depending upon the exigencies of time.
• 'Management' means the Management of the A.C. Educational Society, Karnataka represented by the Secretary.
• President' means the Superior General of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation who is ex-officio the president of the Society.
• "Vice-President" means the Provincial Superior of the Karnataka Province who is ex-officio vice-president of the Society.
• 'Secretary' means the person appointed by the President Vice-President as executive officer of the A.C. Educational Society.
• "Principal" "Head of the Institution" means the religious Sister appointed by the Vice-President to function as the Chief Executive of the Institution.
• "Governing Body" means the body of persons both ex-officio and those elected at the Annual General Body Meeting to administer the Society.
• Institutions' means and includes Higher Primary School, High School, Pre-University College, Degree College, Centre for Post-Graduation Studies, Teacher Training School, (D.Ed. & Sp.D.Ed.) College of Education (B.Ed.) Special School, Technical School and Community College established and managed by the A.C. Educational Society.
• ‘Joint Secretary' means the local representative of the A.C. Educational society and the Joint Secretary of the Managing Committee.
• 'Managing Committee' means a committee of persons, which is immediately responsible for the Management of the school and which is called hereafter the Managing Committee.
• ‘Temporary Employee' means one who has been employed for a limited period or for a specific work of a temporary nature.
• ‘Probationary' means one who is appointed by the Management on probation and who is not confirmed through the confirmation order of the management. For this purpose period of probation is fixed as two years from the date of approval which may be extended by the management for a further period of one year on valid reasons. Period of probation is treated as temporary for all purposes.
• 'Confirmed Employee' means one who, upon satisfactory completion of his/her period of probation has been confirmed in his/her appointment by a written order from the Management.
ATTENDANCE AND RESPONSIBILITIES:• The Teaching Staff will come to school in time and be present in their Offices FIFTEEN minutes before the commencement of the morning session and remain in the institution throughout the working hours and even after until such time as the students may need them for consultation, clarification and guidance.
• The non-teaching staff shall be present at least half an hour before the commencement of the school/college or work for at least eight hours a day including half an hour after class.
• The Class IV employees shall be present an hour before the commencement of school/college and stay on for an hour after class or longer when necessary.
• The Head of the Institution will determine the duration of Lunch Interval in consultation with the Management. The Staff shall assist the Head of the Institution to maintain discipline during the intervals and the peons and attenders in monitoring the lunch and other needs of the students.
• All the employees shall sign the Attendance Register as soon as they enter the School/College premises before the morning and afternoon sessions and not together in the morning.
• On days of Bundh or Bus strike the institution cannot be closed. Hence, the Staff will consider it as a Working Day. If the mode of travel is difficult on that day they shall avail of Casual Leave.
• The teaching Staff will be present in the School/College, three days before reopening and three days after the last working days in order to complete their work as well as to participate in the Programmes for Academic Upgrading.
• The employees shall not arrange substitute or exchange their hours of work with those of other employees without the prior sanction of the Head of the Institution.
• The teachers shall write their notes of lessons every week/work diary for the month and submit the same to the head of the institution for scrutiny and obtain approval. They will also promptly attend to all correction of answer scripts of tests and examinations compositions etc., and shall not show neglect in correcting class work, homework of any student.
• As responsible teachers they will maintain the record book of teaching aids and models prepared, projects conducted, new methods adopted, reference books used for teaching and for personal enhancement.
• The teachers shall attend to all the work allied to their teaching such as preparing the attendance registers, mark lists, progress reports etc. They will also be available for the invigilation work of public/university examinations as well as attend the centralized valuation work, orientation training if and when they are relieved from duty to attend such work, even when they are spread over the holidays/vacation.
• Provisions shall be made for a fair and equitable distribution of work to all the staff members as far as possible. The heads of institutions shall call a meeting of the staff for Institutional Planning and ascertain the view of the individual members of the staff. However, the head of the institution is authorized to make the final decision in this regard.
• Teachers shall make themselves readily available for helping the students in their studies outside the class hours on the campus. All teachers shall deem it their duty not only to teach the matter contained in the syllabus but also endeavour to inculcate both by example and work, a value system articulated in the calendar of the Institution, in keeping with the aims and objectives of the Society.
CODE OF ETHICS:No teacher shall behave in a manner unbecoming of an employee of the educational institution. While on duty they shall not absent themselves without the Permission of the Head of the Institution.
• All the employees shall dress themselves in a decent manner deemed appropriate by the Management and encourage the students towards the same.
• The teachers shall avoid giving corporal punishment to the students and shall not make any derogatory statements against their parents or relatives. They shall not use indecent language in the class or school or on the school premises.
• They shall not propagate through teaching lessons or otherwise, communal or sectarian outlook or incite or allow any student to indulge in communal, sectarian or anti - religious activities.
• The teachers shall not discriminate against any student on the ground of caste, creed, language, place of origin, social and cultural background or any of them also not practice or engage any student to practice casteism, communalism or untouchability.
• The Catholic Staff in our institutions will take up Catechism classes. All the staff members will involve themselves in Value Education Classes.
• All teachers shall deem it their duty not only to teach the matter contained in the syllabus but also endeavour to inculcate both by example and work, a value system articulated in the calendar of the institution, in keeping with the aims and objectives of the society specially an awareness of social justice and sensitivity towards the Marginalized.
• Permission of the Management/Governing Body is needed to pursue higher studies, and to take up regular consultative work outside the Institution. The Application is to be forwarded by the Head of the Institution. The Management however encourages the staff to continuously upgrade themselves.
• The written permission of the Governing Body should be obtained before the visit to any foreign country, even during the vacation with the indication of the address during the visit, and the application should be forwarded by the Head of the Institution.
• Employees shall not be free to contest election to the Parliament, State Legislature, Taluk Board, or Local Councils. They may however, with previous permission of the Management contest any seat of the Legislature from Teachers' Constituency. If she/he is successful in the election and gets elected she/he shall resign her/his teaching post.
• The teachers shall not indulge in or encourage, any form of malpractice connected with examinations or any other school activity and indulge in any violence or any conduct involving moral turpitude. They shall not misbehave with or show cruelty towards parent, student, teacher or other employee of the institution.
• The teacher shall not cause or incite any other person to cause damage to school properties. They shall not also behave or encourage or incite any student teacher or any other employee to behave in a disorderly manner on the premises of the institution.
• No staff member will take tuitions and coaching classes, collect amounts, sell raffle tickets and the like on the campus without permission from the head of the institution.
• Mobile phones are not to be carried to the classroom and telephone calls are not to be entertained when the teacher is in class unless it is of great importance.
• Any representation by the staff to the Management in connection with his/her work in the institution shall always be addressed through the Head of the Institution.
• While on duty in the institution a teacher shall not absent himself/herself without permission of the Head of the Institution.
• The teachers shall not do any private business or take any commission agency/work while service or enter into monetary transactions with any student or parent.
• The teachers shall not consume alcohol or narcotics or smoke in the campus of the institution nor shall they come to the school/college after having consumed alcohol or narcotics.
• The teachers shall not become members of those associations, clubs, outfits etc., which are engaged in profit earning, anti-national, anti-social, antigovernment and anti-management activities, and shall not become members of any service organizations without the permission of the Management.
• The staff shall take great care in the use and handling of equipment and tools as well as facilities, study materials and such other objects placed at their disposal for the purpose of work.
• All members of the staff shall help in maintaining discipline and good habits among students. They shall not engage in any act prejudicial to the interest of the Management or the Institution.
These rules and regulations are meant for the smooth functioning of the institution and to safeguard the legitimate rights of the employees, the students, the Management and all the stake-holders. However, what is more important is the spirit behind these rules and every effort is to be made by all concerned to function according to that spirit.